Alexia Bernard Souffrez-vous de troubles métaboliques ? Savez-vous que les troubles métaboliques affectent un nombre croissant de personnes dans le monde, mettant en péril leur santé et leur qualité de vie ? Ces pathologies insidieuses, souvent liées à not... Fatigue Molecular hydrogen Santé Stress Stress oxydatif Jan 2, 2025
Alexia Bernard 5 good reasons to drink hydrogenated water Imaginez une boisson qui pourrait non seulement vous hydrater, mais aussi booster votre énergie, ralentir le vieillissement cellulaire et améliorer votre bien-être global… Ce n'est pas un mythe, mais ... Antioxydant Bien-être Eau Immunité Molecular hydrogen Dec 5, 2024
Alexia Bernard Les cinq bienfaits de l'eau hydrogénée L'eau hydrogénée est une eau enrichie en hydrogène qui a récemment suscité un grand intérêt en tant que nouvelle approche de l'hydratation et de la santé. Nous sommes convaincus que cette eau peut off... Bien-être Eau Immunité Longevity Molecular hydrogen Nov 10, 2023
Alexia Bernard Les pouvoirs de l’hydrogène moléculaire pour une peau éclatante La recherche continue d'apporter de nouvelles découvertes dans le domaine de la cosmétique. L'une des avancées les plus récentes et des plus prometteuses est l'utilisation de l'hydrogène moléculaire (... Bien-être Eau Immunité Molecular hydrogen Oct 26, 2023
M.D. Un grand verre d'eau polluée Après une bonne nuit de sommeil, nombre d'entre nous se lèvent, le corps encore engourdi, les yeux qui s’habituent peu à peu à la lumière et la gorge sèche. Dans la cuisine, nous ouvrons le robinet po... Immunité Longevity Molecular hydrogen Oct 10, 2022
M.D. Les 5 avantages incroyables pour la santé de l'inhalation d'hydrogène moléculaire Si vous passez du temps dans des espaces de bien-être, vous avez probablement remarqué que l'hydrogène moléculaire (H2) a attiré beaucoup d'attention ces derniers temps. Également connu sous le nom d'... Molecular hydrogen Oct 7, 2022
M.D. Studies confirm the benefits of hydrogen gas inhalation Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler de l'hydrogénothérapie dans votre parcours de santé, mais vous n'avez peut-être jamais entendu parler de la thérapie par le gaz. Ce traitement présente des avan... Longevity Molecular hydrogen Oct 5, 2022
Alexia Vinel Fight stress by treating your stomach ? The process of reducing stress can be as simple as eating better, as a number of studies have shown that anxiety, as well as lack of sleep and depression, are linked to gut health. Gut bacteria not on... Molecular hydrogen Sep 16, 2021
Alexia Vinel Why is dehydration harmful ? More than half of our body is water, so it's no secret that we need water to live. If a person can go without food for several days at a time, their body will not be able to survive without water for ... Molecular hydrogen Sep 16, 2021
Alexia Vinel Why you sould start drinking hydrogen water Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a tasteless, odorless, flammable gas that most current research links to many benefits, such as fighting cancer and other diseases by reducing oxidative stress. Recently, th... Immunité Molecular hydrogen Aug 10, 2021
Alexia Vinel Fill up on antioxidants with hydrogenated water Hydrogen-rich water is primarily known as an antioxidant water. Recently, many studies have shown the benefits of regular consumption of hydrogen-rich water, so this is definitely a new breakthrough i... Molecular hydrogen Aug 10, 2021
Alexia Vinel Preventing heart disease with molecular hydrogen, is it possible ? Cardiovascular diseases are the most common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Sometimes the result of specific pathologies, they can also be indirectly due to an unhealthy lifestyle (no phy... Molecular hydrogen Jul 28, 2021
Alexia Vinel 5 tips for dealing with the pandemic with molecular hydrogen With the COVID-19 pandemic raging around the world, we are more aware than ever of our overall health and well-being. We have always known that regular hand washing is a good idea. We now know that wa... Molecular hydrogen Jul 23, 2021
Alexia Vinel A better health starts with a healthy gut Did you know that many neurological and psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Alzheimer's disease, depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety are strongly linked to your digestive system... Molecular hydrogen Jun 29, 2021
Alexia Vinel Drinking hydrogenated water to improve your mood ? Hydrogen (H) is the smallest and lightest element found in the periodic table. When consumed, it can pass through your entire bloodstream and make its way to your mitochondria. This is the energy that... Molecular hydrogen Jun 14, 2021
Alexia Vinel Hydrogenated water improves skin health When looking for ways to keep your skin healthy, I'm sure you've tried all the creams and treatments. We are all looking for a natural way to give us that healthy glow without damaging our skin with t... Molecular hydrogen May 31, 2021
Alexia Vinel Drink hydrogen-infused water and give your metabolism a boost Si vous essayez de rester en bonne santé et de surveiller votre alimentation, il y a de fortes chances que vous ayez entendu dire que l'une des clés de la perte de poids est de rester hydraté. Et il n... Molecular hydrogen May 31, 2021
Alexia Vinel Is hydrogenated water the basis of all medicine? Regular consumption of hydrogenated water can provide major health benefits. So does that mean it can be the basis for any medical treatment? Neutralizing excess free radicals keeps our skin looking y... Molecular hydrogen May 19, 2021
Alexia Vinel How hydrogen helps fight metabolic disorders The numerous studies [if !supportFootnotes] [1] [endif] that have confirmed how hydrogen-enriched water provides you with key health benefits are now are now widely read and known. Every day, you can ... Molecular hydrogen May 18, 2021
Alexia Vinel How hydrogen could fight heart disease Did you know that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world? Shouldn't we be more aware of how we can prevent or protect ourselves from this terrible disease? Today, we're going... Longevity Molecular hydrogen May 18, 2021
Alexia Vinel Hydrogenated water, the most cost-effective treatment available "You should try to make your body more alkaline." 99% of the molecules in your body are water. In other words, the water you drink should be of the highest quality. However, most people don't know wha... Molecular hydrogen May 12, 2021
Alexia Vinel Could hydrogenated water prevent cancer? Hydrogen-enriched water seems to be the next big health and wellness trend, currently taking the UK and US by storm. Some even claim it can prevent cancer. Hydrogenated water, an exceptional antioxida... Molecular hydrogen May 4, 2021
Alexia Vinel New therapy against inflammation using molecular hydrogen In medicine, smaller is better. In fact, nanoscience is showing us that when your drug can get into the tiniest cells in our bodies, it produces better results. And nothing is smaller than molecular h... Molecular hydrogen Apr 21, 2021
Alexia Vinel Molecular hydrogen to treat the pulmonary consequences of COVID-19 In a very short time, COVID-19 has become a much feared virus worldwide and on March 11, 2020, it is declared a pandemic by the WHO. People affected by the coronavirus can develop Acute Respiratory Di... Molecular hydrogen Apr 20, 2021