Drinking hydrogenated water to improve your mood ?

Hydrogen (H) is the smallest and lightest element found in the periodic table. When consumed, it can pass through your entire bloodstream and make its way to your mitochondria. This is the energy that makes up the heart of a cell and even reaches your nucleus where your DNA is located. A therapy that is able to reach the problems at the source will always be the best.

The multiple properties of hydrogenated water

Once it reaches the center of your body, the molecular hydrogen rich water proceeds to neutralize the free radicals present in your body. 

What are free radicals? Well, they are all the harmful cells and toxins that unfortunately start to grow in your body. Hydrogen restores the balance and keeps your body healthy. It is credited with the ability to significantly reduce the oxidative stress, that is, symptoms due to metabolic problems such as sugar resistance or high blood pressure. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties that have been linked to stopping the development of cancer or even slowing down the aging process.

It is touted as the medical breakthrough of the 21st century and you can easily see why when you look at all of its medical benefits. And that's not all, as reports suggest that hydrogenated water can even help improve mood disorders. This is largely due to its unique properties that allow it to provide therapy to every organ in the body. And once it reaches that organ, it releases its antioxidant actions, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and anti-allergies. In fact, it should also be noted that it has no known side effects.

A therapy that can be drunk.

This means that doctors are able to prescribe hydrogen-enriched water for a wide range of symptoms. Today, we find doctors prescribing hydrogen baths, hydrogen inhalation gas or even saline injections to help patients recover or even as a preventative measure. The easiest way to consume hydrogen, however, is water rich in molecular hydrogen, which is still cheap and can be swallowed easily. In addition, it is a very safe therapeutic process, as no matter how much hydrogen the patient consumes, it cannot harm them in any way!

Hydrogenated water, an antidepressant?

Anti-inflammatory have suggested that hydrogenated water could improve stress-related mood disorders. Certainly, there is proven research linking it to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or dementia, so it's not impossible to think that it may have a positive impact on the brain.

So could it be used to treat less serious mood disorders, such as depression or general malaise? It is well known that synthetic antidepressants can sometimes have bad side effects such as drowsiness and lethargy. A natural antidepressant would therefore be a real breakthrough.

The study has shown that hydrogenated water restores natural brain cell growth in mice, but there has yet to be a study with real evidence in humans. However, since antidepressants are intended to increase adult neurogenesis, one could certainly argue that they could be used to improve depression or various other mental disorders.

So why not give it a try, and start drinking hydrogenated water, it could really improve your day. What do you have to lose?




The information in this newsletter is published for informational purposes only and should not be considered personalized medical advice. No treatment should be undertaken based solely on the contents of this letter, and the reader is strongly advised to consult with health professionals duly licensed by the health authorities for any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The publisher of this newsletter does not practice medicine itself or any other therapeutic profession in any capacity and does not enter into a health care practitioner relationship with readers. None of the information or products mentioned on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.



Ydrogen2O is a bottle that gives you antioxidant water thanks to its hydrogen generator. Drinking hydrogenated water is ideal for preventing aging.

In our body, molecular hydrogen is mainly present thanks to water since a water molecule is made of an oxygen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms.

Hydrogenated water improves skin health